Refund Policies

 The Refund Policy has been put in place to:
  •  Safeguard College from parents of students who do not have the intention of attending courses but merely using the College for financial benefits from Financial Institutions.
  • Safeguard the College from loss of revenue from withdrawals.
  • Safeguard the College from loss of properties from intending withdrawals.
  •  Safeguard the students from sponsors who are not genuine in supporting.
  • Student gain education & qualification
  • Secure a students placing for continuation of studies the following semester or academic year.
  • Allow genuine students  with interest to study placing on programs.
  •  Refund of the course fee shall be done only through a submission of intent to withdraw in writing to the College using the format attachment 1.
  • The letter of withdrawal should be submitted along with ID cards plus other properties received or borrowed from the College.
  • The letter of withdrawal would be effective from the date the "Approval" was given by the Principal and not when the letter was posted or the student stop attending the classes.
  • The eligibility and the amount of the refund shall be considered using the following considerations:   
 100% refund-less administrative cost applied
  • In the event of withdrawal of offer due to entry requirements during registration
  • In the event that the college cannot mount or conduct the course.
  • Refund due to cancellation of the program
  • Total fee paid minus cost of processing refund & forfeiture of the administration fee.
95% refund -less admin cost applied
  • If withdrawn after the first two weeks of enrollment.
  • If there is evidence of college name used for Financial Gain, 50% of the fee would be retained by the college
50% refund- less admin cost applied
 Refund within the first five weeks (disrespect of reasons given)
  • If withdrawn five weeks after the registration of the program
  • Retention of the 50% of the fee paid plus admin fee if the student is totally withdraw the fund & has no intention of taking the study again. Otherwise 50% of the fee will be held in trust if the student wish to take up studies later.
  • If the withdrawal is done to fund family related problems such as death, medical expense etc...
No Refund
  • In the event that the student is terminated from the course for disciplinary cases.
  • In the event that the student is imprisoned by the court of law
  • In the event that the student stayed away from classes without formally withdrawing from the course using the established procedure.
  • In the event that enrolment is based on the false information and documentation.
  • In the event that the student has paid full course fee but unable to continue due to non-fulfillment of the course requirements, in which case, the course fee would be credited against the following year's academic studies for the student.
Note:In cases where students decided to withdraw, the students must take up studies within the 12 months after withdrawal from the current semester or academic year. A withdrawn student that has no intention to take up studies later on must not change his mind & try to gain entry without having to pay the full course fee. The forfeiture amount from such cases is the penalty  for taking up the space that could have given to another student that has genuine interest in studying in the College.
All payments of refund would be made payable to the sponsor in a form of Cheques. Before a refund is made or the withdrawal is Endorsed, the student must obtain an approval from the sponsor endorsing the withdrawal before the College considers the request for withdrawal from the student. The College will not cash the cheques for the sponsors but can arrange direct deposit to the sponsors account.

The College will allow third party collection of Cheques from the College on behalf of the sponsor (s) nor would refund made to student who is clearly sponsored by a Company - Landowner company included. Otherwise the non-refund policy "Accumulation" of fund towards the following year's academic programs becomes effective & no refund is calculated & paid current year.